Submit Article

Be an author and publish your content with HBC

All subject matter experts are most welcome to publish their content in HBC at no cost and get more exposed to thousands of all healthcare business professionals around the world, feel free to share your point of view, experience, challenges, emerging technologies, trends and best practices.


  • Please send us your content in a word file format that has all details including text and images and biography if available.
  • The submitted content should be sent to
  • Once your content is approved, it will be ready for publishing according to the our editorial calendar.
  • Include royalty free images, chart, infographics or graphs that you own its copy rights or mention its credits by source name and its hyperlink.
  • Add tags to your content, please select up to 5 tags

Eligible authors who can publish on healthcare business club

We are accepting content from authors who are subject matter experts from multiple sectors in healthcare including but not limited to organizations, consultants, analysts, academic positions, business researchers, suppliers and NGOs.

Author biography should provide a good track record in your field which gives a clearer image to your audience of who you are and why are you talking about that topic.

Why publish on the healthcare business club?

Publishing on HBC is mainly seeking the delivery of quality information and ideas to all healthcare business stakeholders, the better value of your content, the better visibility and reach to more people and getting more exposed and branded, building your own network on the healthcare business club is a plus that drives a profitable recognition, this is via multiple methods like:

  • Placement of the latest content on the homepage of HBC.
  • Placement of our posts into newsletters sent to our subscribers.
  • Better exposure through our social media channels.
  • Get your content promoted on our different channels on the internet.
  • Author special landing page that has your bio, contact information and the published articles.
  • Our club is search engine optimized, so it guarantees you a better visibility and high rank in Google.
  • Your content is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Other websites can link to your content which helps to increase your reach and visibility.
  • Writing in HBC is not so hard as you are not obligated to present a very technical stuff, you can simply share your experience or things you have learnt in your field.

Who are your audience?

Thinking of who you are writing for is one of the keys of an impactful content, HBC audience is diversified in nature but just in the field of healthcare business, including mainly healthcare providers and vendors with multiple functions and specializations in both aspects, also HBC is mainly published for MEA and GCC and everyone who is interested about this region, it’s discussing the eco-system of healthcare from the business perspective, it includes the current and emerging technologies in different areas in healthcare, business management, medical imaging technologies, laboratory technologies,  industry issues, professional viewpoints  and more.

You might find the following audience segments who would be interested in your content:


  • Ministers
  • Policy makers
  • C-level
  • Directors & Managers
  • Healthcare staff
  • Clinical engineers
  • Marketers
  • Business developers
  • Consultants
  • Health techs
  • IT managers
  • Startups
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Healthcare consumers
  • Healthcare payers


You have the total freedom of choosing who you are talking to, the important part is to write for a specific segment a good piece of content that grabs their interest. You should provide a good value in your content to this segment, please do not forget to mention the section to which your content belongs or it will be automatically classified by HBC editors according to the relevance of the subject to our sections.


Our readers are mostly technology folks that are “in the trenches” and looking for technical solutions to healthcare problems. They are IT managers, clinical engineers, med techs, programmers, executives, and other experienced people looking for answers to technical questions. If you’re not writing for a deeply technical audience please don’t submit the article.

Submission Guidelines

Specifications of the submitted content

General guidelines

  • Your article should be catchy, SEO optimized and representative to the content.
  • Write a brief introduction about the subject before going deep into the core of your article.
  • Conclusion at the end of the article to summarize and criticize your content.
  • The content should be well written, logic and free of typos or grammar mistakes.
  • The content should be well readable and organized by providing sub headlines to your content to make it easy for navigation by readers.
  • Paragraphs should be small or medium sized but not so long to be more comprehensible to the reader.
  • Provide images and graphics that makes your content more appealing and meaningful.
  • Please choose the right category you are writing for, please explore our club sections for reference. This will help us to sort your content and place it right.
  • Please don’t use offensive language or any inappropriate attitude.
  • You can hyperlink to other content inside or outside HBC that gives good credibility of your content.

Special guidelines

The title of your topic is the first contact between you and your reader, make sure that you provide an engaging and meaningful title that handles the interest of your readers and includes the right keywords through which you will searchable and easy to be found, your title should be catchy and not more than 14 words in length.

Your content should be enough to deliver your message to your readers, elaborate in your subject and show multiple dimensions in the meant topic. The minimal size for the written content is 400 words.

Rich posts of 1,500 words or more are favorable as it has a better chance to be better ranked in google in case of presenting a good quality content, articles have maximum limit of 3500 words which considered a rich meal of information that can be comprehended by readers.

Video content should not be more than 15 minutes in length and the shorter the better.

Case studies and white papers has no limitations to publish.

The submitted content should be in English language and formatted as following:

  • Normal text with font size 11
  • Subtitles text with font size 14
  • Titles text with font size 16
  • Video length should not be more than 15 minutes
  • Graphics are put under title, subtitles or a small brief

Images and graphics are very expressive to the content and it helps your readers to recognize your subject better, feel free to use images, infographics, illustrations, charts or any type of media that helps you better present your subject.


Please make sure that you are using royalty free images or your own copy rights as HBC is not responsible for any copy righted content and is not responsible for any copy right infringements, in case of copy rights violation the responsibility will lie on the author, your content may be subjected to deletion and you might be banned from publishing anymore on HBC.


The acceptable images should be of a good resolution and size not less than 800 x 600 and in JPEG, PNG, SVG format.


Any images with logo’s or branded content will not be accepted.


Please provide captions for any graphic element you provide or it will be added automatically by HBC editors.


Images ideally should be submitted in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format, and may be embedded in Word docs. The author should indicate where each image should appear within the text, and provide captions for all images.


Original illustrations, charts and graphs accompanying submissions are encouraged and should be sent as separate files in standard graphic format at approximately 1920×1080 px or slightly smaller in similar proportions. Authors must have full rights to use submitted visuals. Please include credit lines and captions.


If you are submitting an image or images with your article, you must own the copyright to each image (which you will if you took the photograph), it must be high quality and professional looking, (We have rights to edit the image).


Please observe all copyrights regarding the images: obtain permissions for use and cite the source.

To make your content appear in search results with a better rank and being easily found, try to use the best keywords that describe your content, which facilitate to your readers to find your content while searching in HBC posts or even search engines.

Your content should be authentic and not copied from other sources, our editors always perform plagiarism check on your content before publishing it, the plagiarism percentage allowed is not more than 5% or your content will be rejected.

Any published content must by exclusive for HBC and not published anywhere else before or after publishing on HBC, if your content is republished on any other place after publishing on HBC, it will be subjected to deletion by HBC editors.

For better credibility, you should add some links from credible sources like scientific journals, trustworthy websites, statistical websites, NGO’s or any other source that provides a reliable content, we will review your links to see if it’s relevant and appropriate.


Links can be used in the form of hyperlinks intext or at the end of your content.


You should use at least 4 links in your piece of content if you are mentioning information which is not your own thoughts or your point of view, mentioning facts from business, science and market should be accompanies by sources that supports your argument.

HBC is approaching wide variety of audience in healthcare including healthcare providers, suppliers, vendors, consumers and service payors, you have the chance to write what is interesting to our audience from a business perspective, please consider while choosing your topic to choose a category for your content from our collection, new trends in healthcare  technology or emerging areas of interest to healthcare business outcome readers are valued in HBC, you might think about what value do you provide to your readers, it might be telling your best practice about this subject even from an academic perspective or practical experience.

Management topics are eligible and preferred including many aspects like sales, marketing, business development, project management, revenue cycle management, IT management or strategic tactics in healthcare business.

Regulatory issues, accreditations, certifications or any operational efficiencies is one of our favorite topics that presents a true value to our audience.

Please make sure that you are providing a valuable piece of content that can help you in ranking better among hundreds of topics.

Your content should be discussing a general practice and not including any personal or organizational branding.

Choosing the right topic is the most important stage and you can present it in the way you like including articles, videos, case studies, white papers, ….etc.

Your content can be explanatory as you are trying to show off a topic from another point of view and mostly it’s yours, you can include definitions of concepts and other information from academic or practical perspectives, your content can handle the needs of readers and their true pain points that they are searching a solution for.

  • Articles
  • Videos (self-produced)
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Presentations
  • Reports
  • Interviews
  • Surveys
  • Reviews

It’s time to present yourself to your readers, write a short biography about your education background, experience and career advancement in a way that represents your capabilities to write in your chosen subjects, this will facilitate for the reader to know more about you and helps you get more recognized.

Your biography should include the following details:

Full Name. first name and last name only(e.g. Rashid Kandawi), or use an initial instead of your first name (e.g. R. Kandawi).

Current Title. Your current job title and related organization, this can be changed all times according to your latest position.

A short biography (80 words maximum).

Linkedin profile, please add your personal profile link on linkedin

Publishing on HBC is free of charge for all authors as long as your are not promoting an organization or a product.

  1. Write to the point, HBC visitors are healthcare and business society, they are busy people who are searching for specific topics and points, if they didn’t catch valuable information quickly in your content, they will bounce fast, so your content should be clear and handles a really important topic.
  2. Explore fresh topics and trends in any section you want to write for.
  3. Make your article well organized and segmented by putting headlines, bullet points and some graphics without making a clutter that distracts reader’s attention.
  4. Speak the language and tone of your readers, know who you are talking to and how they will perceive your content in the best way.
  5. Write with active voice not passive, it gives a better confidence in telling the story.
  6. Try to know the keywords your readers use and use it in your content, it will enhance the SEO and your content ranking in google.
  7. Knowing how people can search for your topic will help you choose the right title using the most important keywords that people use in searching for this topic, this is really helpful in boosting your SEO and findability.
  8. Provide links and references to your content whenever possible, your readers will like this way and will faster trust the information you provide. Use high quality links and trusted or famous websites as it’s useful for google and your content might rank better with search engines.

Offensive or aggressive content.

Your content should respect the mindset of its readers, you should be friendly, informative and clear in your attitude, please avoid any inappropriate manner that could hurt the feelings or disrespect anyone of our audience as this will leads to the rejection of your content to be published.


Please avoid being showy and trying to expose your skills for personal branding purposes, your biography is fair enough to express your capabilities and who you are.

Organization promotion

Avoid promoting your company or products, products can be mentioned just if it’s unique and no any other product in market provide the same technology. If you are going to review a product try to be more technical and informative.

HBC might promote companies, organizations or products according to the advertising program available through HBC ad services.

Please contact us to learn more about our plans and packages.

  • All accepted content is subjected to copy editing by HBC editors to present your content in the way that keeps the consistency of content style in our club.
  • HBC might publish the copy-edited content without prior notification to the author.
  • HBC has the right to accept or reject any submitted content according to our policies, guidelines and our vision.
  • Your content should be yours, unique and well written.
  • HBC is not accepting over handled topics.
  • HBC is not accepting any content that was published before in any other website.
  • Your content should be meaningful, valuable to readers.
  • HBC editors might take up to 2 weeks to review your content, please be patient.
  • You will be notified in case of any improvement required from your side guided by our suggestions, please note that review process is available up to 3 times only.