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After the Birth: 7 Tips for Postpartum Care

The birth of a baby is an exciting and joyous time, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful as new parents adjust to life with a newborn.

The postpartum period, which refers to the first six weeks after giving birth, is an important time for new mothers to focus on healing and self-care.

Proper postpartum care can help new mothers physically and emotionally recover from childbirth, establish breastfeeding, bond with the baby, and transition into parenthood.

Having support and guidance on self-care and newborn care during the postpartum period is crucial for helping new mothers manage the challenges they may face while navigating early parenthood.

In this article, we provide seven tips to help guide new mothers through the postpartum period.

1) Seeking help for postpartum depression:

Postpartum depression is more severe than the baby blues many women experience after giving birth. Feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and fatigue can make it difficult for new mothers to care for themselves and their babies. Many women need therapy and counseling to cope with postpartum depression and anxiety.

In some cases, a traumatic birth experience or medical negligence that causes injury to the baby can worsen postpartum depression. Especially for mothers already struggling emotionally, medical errors or negligence can exacerbate postpartum disorders.

For women experiencing medical challenges or birth injuries, resources like lawfirm.com offer legal guidance to protect their rights and get compensation, which can aid mental health and recovery. Experts will evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds to pursue justice and financial compensation through a malpractice lawsuit. 

Undoubtedly, no amount of money can compensate for the harm your baby suffered, but it can relieve financial burdens down the road.

2) Rest and Recover:

After childbirth, a woman’s body needs ample time to heal and recover.  Postpartum bleeding, soreness, uterine cramping, and other discomforts are normal, so new mothers should take it very easy for the first few days and weeks. Some tips for recovering as early as possible are:

– Rest as much as possible, and try taking a nap when the baby naps.

– Do not rush back into housework or other chores.

– Prioritize sleep when you can, even if that means letting dishes pile up for now.

– Listen to your body and go slowly. Your body needs time to recover, so don’t push yourself too quickly.

– Accept help from loved ones when offered for cleaning, cooking, and errands.

3) Take Care of Personal Hygiene:

New mothers often feel pressured to get back to “normal” quickly after giving birth, but healing takes time. Continue to focus on personal hygiene to help feel refreshed and cared for while recovering.

This includes showering daily, washing your hair regularly, using soothing products like nipple cream or soothing perineal sprays, keeping comfy robes and slippers handy, and performing other small acts of self-care.

If you had a c-section, follow the doctor’s instructions for incision cleaning to prevent infection. Stay on top of feminine hygiene needs and stock up on extra comfy maxi pads. Hydrating skin products can help soothe any lingering pregnancy-related skin changes like stretch marks.

Prioritizing personal hygiene helps you feel like yourself again amidst the newness of motherhood.

4) Pay Attention to Nutrition and Hydration:

Proper nutrition and hydration are essential for new mothers to heal from childbirth and successfully breastfeed.

Focus on eating a balanced diet with plenty of whole grains, fruits/veggies, lean protein, and healthy fats. Stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. Try having a water bottle handy for frequent sips, especially when breastfeeding. Limit caffeine and alcohol, which can cause dehydration. Take your postnatal vitamins to replenish depleted nutrients. Have snacks like nuts, yogurt, hummus, and crackers readily available.

Let loved ones know what fruits, veggies, or other nourishing foods to pick up from the grocery store for you. Proper nutrition provides energy for healing and milk production during the postpartum period.

5) Engage Pelvic Floor and Core Muscles:

Pregnancy and childbirth can weaken the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles. As soon as comfortable, begin engaging these muscles to aid healing. Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor involve squeezing internal pelvic muscles for 5-10 seconds and then relaxing. Start with a few sets of Kegels per day and gradually increase over the postpartum period.

Deep abdominal breathing also helps strengthen core muscles strained during pregnancy and birth. Gentle walks can also help engage the core. However, don’t attempt strenuous core exercises until at least 6-8 weeks postpartum and approved by your provider.

6) Make Time for Self-Care:

Between recovering from childbirth and caring for a newborn, new moms often neglect their own needs. But nurturing yourself is essential so you have the mental, emotional, and physical energy to care for your baby.

Try to carve out small increments of time for simple self-care activities like:

– relaxation exercises

– enjoying a cup of tea

– listening to music

– meditating, or sitting outside for fresh air.

– Staying connected with friends through text, phone calls, or video chats when possible.

Be gentle with yourself – you just did the incredible work of growing and delivering a baby! Taking time for self-care helps you transition to motherhood without burning out.

7) Bond with your Baby:

The postpartum period marks a special window for bonding with your newborn through skin-to-skin contact, infant massage, breastfeeding, cuddling, talking, and responding to the baby’s cues. Bonding boosts a baby’s growth and development and helps parents build a bond while caring for their little one.

Babies need lots of physical contact, so hold, rock, sing, and soothe your baby often. Bonding involves maintaining eye contact and smiling at and talking to the baby throughout the day. Savour this unique newborn period by fully engaging in opportunities to connect with your baby.


The postpartum period marks a time of immense change as new mothers recover from childbirth and adjust to life with a newborn. While rewarding, parenting a newborn can also be overwhelming for first-time moms. Properly caring for your physical, mental, and emotional needs during the first six weeks after giving birth is paramount. Don’t hesitate to share any concerns or seek extra support from medical providers, family, and friends. With proper postpartum care in the early weeks, new mothers can feel confident, empowered, and equipped for the incredible journey of raising their children.

Here’s the thing: living with chronic pain is tough enough without adding mental health struggles into the mix. So start making these small changes today—your mind will thank you!

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