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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Seasonal Change And How it Impacts Anxiety

You might have observed that the weather affects your mood. You feel depressed and worn out on a dreary, rainy day or pleased and more energized on a bright day. Depending on the individual, the weather may affect our well-being differently.

Some individuals like chilly, snowy days, while others prefer hot summer days. No matter what weather you favor, studies support the impact of weather on people’s moods. We can better prepare for days ahead by being aware of how the weather affects us. Paying close attention to weather variations might assist you in your efforts to overcome seasonal sadness or anxiety.

The passage of the seasons impacts your mental health and, as a result, how you conduct your life. If so, you should consult a medical professional or mental health specialist to address the root cause of the issue. You may get authentic anti-anxiety meds from zolpidemonlineuk for a reasonable price.

Seasonal Change and How it Impacts Anxiety

Those with anxiety notice that the weather makes their situation worse. For worried people, the seasonal effect extends to making them feel claustrophobic, which strikes the notes of cabin fever.

Additionally, the tightness of the air molecules in the cold makes it difficult to breathe normally. However, people with anxiety disorders experience panic when such a component is present.

People who struggle with anxiety may experience more mood swings and irritation as winter approaches. Along with that, their sleep rhythms have changed. According to research, variations in seasonal elements make patients with panic disorder more vulnerable.

Symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder

Several symptoms result from seasonal sensitivity. Manfred Kaiser attributes the shifts to temperature, air pressure, and humidity variations.

Increased irritability and aggression, depression, lethargy, exhaustion, loss of focus, headaches and migraines, heart and circulation abnormalities, nausea, dizziness, phantom pain, and rheumatic pain are among the symptoms he lists.

SAD’s winter pattern manifests as symptoms include hypersomnia, weight gain, a hunger for carbohydrates, poor energy, and overeating. Winter blues are also characterized by social disengagement.

On the other hand, the less frequent form of summer SAD manifests as irritability, anxiety, sleeplessness, and restlessness. It is also typical to experience increased instances of angry conduct and a weak appetite that causes weight loss.

Seasonal Anxiety Factors

Everyone agrees that anxiety levels increase when one moves farther from the equator. It highlights how sunshine contributes to SAD.

The intrinsic biological clock of humans, the circadian rhythm, is disrupted when the seasons change from summer to winter.

The seasonal changes in the hourly distribution of day and night disrupt it. The biological clock is thrown off during the winter because of the longer nights and shorter days. It causes anxiety as well as sleep disturbances.

Additionally, a person’s serotonin levels may change when sunshine decreases. A neurotransmitter that affects mood is serotonin. Depression and anxiety are linked to lower serotonin levels. Brain scans show persons with SAD have reduced serotonin levels throughout the wintertime.

Furthermore, seasonal anxiety is influenced by melatonin indicators. Melatonin is a hormone created during dark hours and regulates sleep mood and patterns.

Melatonin synthesis increases throughout the fall and winter because there is less sunshine. The internal biological clock was also involved with this hormone that regulates sleep.

Unusual sleep patterns result from the internal clock failing to synchronize with the external clocks during seasonal oscillations, causing anxiety.

SAD sufferers sleep 2.5 hours longer at night in winter than in summer. In the winter, these folks sleep 1.7 hours longer than the average person, who gets an additional 0.7 hours of sleep.

At the same time, you cannot complete the extensive list of tasks during shorter days. Additionally, the short daytime hours provide little opportunity for social engagements. These further the list of SAD’s secondary causes.

How to reduce seasonal anxiety

Morrison and Thornton indicate that these 6 items may be able to ease your anxiety throughout the fall season, regardless of what may be the source of your feelings:

1.     Increase lighting

Increase your time spent outside to take advantage of the available sunlight.

Morrison advises rising early to enjoy the morning sun. She said to battle exhaustion and afternoon drowsiness, “go to bed early if required.”

However, she advised using a light box because it might be gloomy in the early morning. According to Morrison, this powerful lamp can be used for at least 30 minutes daily to expose the eyes to more light.

2.     Daily exercise

Morrison advises getting in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day.

“Once the sweltering summer heat subsides, fall is a fantastic time to enjoy the outdoors. Take advantage of this by going on long walks or bike rides. Alternatively, pick up a new sport or join a gym.

Thornton concurred, adding that she encourages physical activity among all her customers.

“Across the board, exercise is important for mental health conditions. Every study demonstrates that exercise improves mood,” stated Thornton.

3.     Self-care is essential

Physical and mental wellness frequently coexist. When battling SAD, taking good care of your body is essential. You may take care of your physical health during this SAD season by eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising often.

It’s crucial to keep an eye on your consumption if you’ve seen an increase in your desire for carbohydrates. An excellent strategy to maintain a healthy balance is to include root vegetables as a source of extra carbohydrates.

The Bottom Line

When patients have anxiety or another mental problem, seasonal variations make them feel worse. However, the effect doesn’t end here; instead, it intensifies and continues to induce fear in others. As the seasons change, taking the necessary precautions to manage stress and anxiety is crucial.

You don’t have to go through with it alone. Reaching out might take the form of having a conversation with a close friend or relative, devoting time to a mental health app, or visiting a therapist. There is no right or incorrect response in this situation, and we advise you to discuss your worry with someone.

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