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Friday, February 7, 2025

A Guide to Recovering from Surgery

A surgical procedure is an easy thing to dread. Whether it’s you going under the knife, or someone close to you, it’s easy to spend the days and weeks leading up to the event thinking about exactly what’s going to happen when you get to the hospital.

But it’s worth also thinking about what’s going to happen as you recover from the procedure. After all, that’s the phase that you actually have control over. There are a few steps you might take to make life easier during this period and to aid the recovery process.

Frequently Asked Questions

After the surgery, you’ll want to know exactly how the operation went. Make sure that you have in mind a few questions for when you come around. The first and most obvious question might be: ‘did the operation go as expected?’, but you should also ask about the prognosis for recovery. You might want to take notes – or even (with permission) film the conversation.

Following Medical Aftercare

Every surgical procedure is different, and thus to an extent, your recovery will be tailored to your needs. Some people will be able to get back to normal relatively quickly and with minimal intervention. Others will need to be cared for more stringently.

Your doctor should provide you with the appropriate treatment after your surgery. If they fail to do so, then complications may result. This is a rare situation, but medical professionals who make this sort of error leave themselves vulnerable to surgical error claims.

Avoiding Blood Clots

If you’re spending the recovery period lying in bed, then you put yourself at risk of blood clots – because blood will naturally pool in your legs. As soon as it’s reasonably possible, you should perform preventative exercises. This might mean simply flexing and rotating your legs.

Other anti-clot measures include support stockings and blood thinners. Again, you should be provided with whichever treatment is appropriate.

Aiding Recovery

In general, the sooner you can be up and active again, the more quickly and safely you’ll recover. This doesn’t mean rushing, however – moving too fast and you’ll risk causing a setback. Short walks, being mobile around the home, and eating and drinking will all help. Build your strength back up gradually. If you’re in doubt over whether you should be doing something, then it’s best to listen to your body and err on the side of keeping a little bit mobile!

Preparing for Home

We should also think about the first minutes and hours after you are discharged from the hospital. You’ll want all of the appropriate equipment and care in place ahead of time. This might mean walking sticks, frames or wheelchairs. Most importantly, you should have a means of getting home. You won’t want to be driving!

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