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Friday, February 21, 2025

Top 5 Considerations In Pump Selection For Medical Equipment

The miniaturization of infusion pumps marked a turning point in healthcare. Without needing to see a doctor, a patient can get precisely measured and scheduled amounts of medication without disrupting their daily lives. Insulin, nutritional supplements, and anticancer medications can now be delivered via mobile pumps.

Pumps, like those from KNF USA and other manufacturers, must be dependable. As a result, it is crucial to think about the components such as the pump itself, the motor, the driver, and the feedback throughout the design phase. They must all meet specifications for ease of use and functionality.

Important Factors To Think About When Choosing A Medical Pump

Inexperienced medical equipment designers may focus solely on pressure and flow rate when choosing a pump. While this may be true for some commercial uses, the standards for medical equipment are different. To guarantee that the proper medical pump is selected for every application, it is necessary to consider the following criteria.

Medical pumps

1- The Amount Of Fluid It Can Hold 

Medical pumps come in various sizes to accommodate a wide range of needs. A pump’s maximum permitted size and power consumption depend heavily on its intended function. 

Healthcare equipment is increasingly being moved out of the ward and into homes. Also, instruments are now required to perform a greater number of tests inside a smaller space. In light of this, these tools’ sizes and power capacities must meet the latest standards. 

2- Inlet And Outlet Valves

Aside from the pump, inlet and outlet valves are also important to consider. 

It is recommended to select valves and tubing together to ensure that all parameters (such as volume, flow rate, pressure capability, and chemical compatibility) are met. 

Specificity also matters. Simple check valves can be employed in certain circumstances. Meanwhile, solenoid valves that are actively regulated may be preferable when high performance is necessary for a system. 

The rate and precision of the dispensing are directly related to the quality of the inlet and exit valves. When the pump raises the system pressure to an unsafe level, the valves must open reliably and rapidly to prevent damage. They also need to be able to close quickly enough to stop the flow properly when necessary.

3- Distribution Traits

It is important to think about a wide range of dispensing criteria when choosing the best pump for your application. 

The smallest volume that may be dispensed by a pump controlled by a stepper motor is an example of its dispense resolution. Resolution is a function of several variables, including piston diameter, lead screw pitch, and stepper motor angle per step.

To move the piston in and out, most reciprocating pumps rely on a stepper motor turning a lead screw. Microstepping the motor, which divides the step angle by a smaller number, allows for even finer adjustments to the resolution.

Thanks to higher resolution, dispensing increments can be made much smaller, and flow throughout a given dispensing cycle can stay constant.

4- Tubing Size

Another common source of trouble is incorrectly sized tubing. Excessively narrow exit tubing can cause unwanted pressure fluctuations. Because a positive displacement pump may boost pressure in the system, it can be used to overcome resistance further down the line. 

If the resistance is too great, the dispensing speed may need to be slowed down, or the tubing diameter may need to be increased. Failures like system leakage and motor stalling might occur without proper maintenance.

5- Fluid Compatibility

Material compatibility within your system is also crucial. A mismatch between the pump’s wetted materials and the system fluid is a leading cause of premature pump failure. 

After a flow circuit has been designed, the fluid’s compatibility with the system’s materials must be evaluated. Pumps, valves, manifolds, and piping are part of this system. 

Even though some fluids may not chemically harm a pump, they might still cause physical damage. Crystals in fluids used in reciprocating pumps can degrade seals and cause leakage. Likewise, surfactants reduce surface tension, allowing other fluids to bypass the pump’s seals. These problems could be alleviated by using a secondary seal with the pump. To prolong the device’s cycle life, an intermediate fluid is pumped between the seals to dissolve crystals and dilute surfactants. 

The Bottom Line

The incorrect pump can cause delays in processing. The end goal must be understood thoroughly before an appropriate pump can be selected. 

Make sure to factor in these things when choosing pumps to be used for medical equipment: their fluid capacity, the valves, tubing size, distribution, and fluid compatibility. This way, you can consistently provide quality products for patients who rely on them to stay healthy and live well.

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