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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Vertigo Treatment: A Case Study of Vertigone by HumanX


Nearly 40% of American adults will experience vertigo or the sense that their surroundings are whirling around them, at some point during their lives.

This is concerning when you consider that symptoms of vertigo can be dangerous and include blurred vision difficulty speaking, nausea, sweating, tinnitus and more.

This becomes even more concerning when the true cause of this disorder has illuded medical professionals for centuries and the treatments range greatly from surgery, to medications, to simply watchful waiting (Vertigo, 2021).

These shortcomings have left millions of Americans searching for a solution that can be administered prophylactically to halt these worrisome attacks.

This case study aims to fully evaluate one of these solutions, Vertigone by HumanX, by way of literature review and discussion of anecdotal feedback.

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While researchers know far from everything about what causes vertigo, a general consensus has narrowed most cases down to at least one of two subsets: an oculomotor system issue or a vestibular system issue.

The oculomotor system is responsible for the visual portion of balance whereas the vestibular system encompasses the balance structure of the inner ear.

However, those two subsets can be further broken down into contributors that interact with each system such as migraines, blood pressure, circulation issues, infections and more. Vertigo, which can also be described as dizziness or imbalance, can affect patients from every age range but is increasingly common in the older population.

In fact, it has even been called a “geriatric syndrome” and can be linked to numerous, simultaneous factors such as weakness, peripheral sensory, and even arthritis (Kesser & Gleason, 2018). Because of the large variety in symptoms and potential causes, treatments have been diverse.

As this case study is focused on herbal remedies for vertigo, we will touch only briefly on the alternatives.

The go-to for physicians treating this disorder include physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and surgical intervention.

These methods have been found effective in certain populations. However, each of these options can be costly, require months to take effect, and/or have the potential for their own negative outcomes.

Thus, the claim is made that a more affordable and accessible remedy is necessary.

The ingredients present in Vertigone consists of root powders from the Astragalus, Black Cohosh, Pueraria Mirifica, Licorice, Dong Quai, Panax Ginseng, Peony, and Phellodendron Amurense plants as well as Vitex Chasteberry fruit extract.

We will discuss each ingredient in order:

Astragalus has been used for over 2000 years in Chinese medicine to treat common potential causes for vertigo such as general weakness, decreased heart function, and low energy and is also an all-around immunity booster (Geiger, 2004).

Black Cohost has been used for centuries by the Native Americans and is used to treat many common potential vertigo triggers such as migraines and hot flashes (Lee, 2005).

Native to Thailand and in documented us for over 100 years, Pueraria Mirifica has shown a marked antioxidant effect and been used to treat menopause and cardiovascular disease both of which may have symptoms that spur vertigo (Malaivijitnond, 2012).

With ties to ancient China and 554 drugs containing Licorice approved by the FDA, this plant has consistently been proven to help with potential vertigo generating issues such as inflammation, pain, and general energy (Yang et al., 2017).

Spanning 1000s of years of Asian medicine, Dong Quai has been known to improve circulation speed healing, and act as a neuroprotector; all of which help avoid vertigo triggers (Cassileth, 2011).

Panax Ginseng, one of the most widely studied herbs, has been shown to decrease environmental stress and improve fatigue, both of which may generate vertigo symptoms (Barton et al., 2010).

Peony has similarly been seen as a stress reductor and neuroprotective agent (Mao et al., 2012).

Phellodendron Amurense can actually decrease inflammation and pain (Lian, 2018).

Finally, Vitex Chasteberry fruit extract has been used for thousands of years in the Middle East to treat vertigo inducers such as inflammation, oxidative stress, and bone issues (Niroumand, Heydarpour, & Farzaei, 2018).

Together these all-natural ingredients pack a potential punch that could combat migraines, inflammation, weakness, fatigue, and infection; all possible contributors to vertigo that actually have the ability to be treated over the counter.


According to HumanX’s website, “all-natural VertiGone supports healthy vestibular, inner ear function through a proprietary blend of naturally sourced Astralagus and functional root powders”.

The company’s Amazon reviews boast a 4 out of 5-star rating with 416 reviewers who mention the reduction in vertigo, pain, and nausea.

This feedback backed by the century’s old usage of each of the active ingredients to combat symptoms and causes such as migraines, inflammation, and cardiovascular issues while also potentially improving overall health and energy. 


This case study does have its limitations. Though trials have been completed on the individual components, no clinical trials have been conducted to investigate the efficacy of a formulation like VertiGone by HumanX.

Nor have the individual ingredients been tested in direct correlation with vertigo. Further study is recommended on the effect of herbal medicine on vertigo as well as the safety and efficacy of this formulation specifically.


Though a disorder affecting millions of Americans a year, vertigo still has many unknowns.

Medical professionals agree most cases have something to do with issues affecting either the inner ear or the oculomotor system, but each of these is sensitive to outside factors such as inflammation, infection, weakness, circulation, and fatigue.

Whereas correcting issues with physical structures may require strenuous and costly treatments, prophylactic treatment and symptom management can be maintained with over-the-counter medication.

This case study seeks to investigate one such medication, VertiGone by HumanX, and though more research is necessary, finds that these ingredients have the potential to prophylactically treat vertigo and manage the symptoms.


Kesser, B. W., & Gleason, A. T. (2018). Dizziness and vertigo across the lifespan. Elsevier.

Debbe Geiger. (2004, Mar 02). WHAT’S IN THE BOTTLE? astralagus, a versatile chinese tonic: [ALL EDITIONS]. Newsday Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2016.trident.edu/newspapers/whats-bottle-astralagus-versatile-chinese-tonic/docview/279805622/se-2?accountid=28844

Lee, C. O. (2005). Complementary and alternative medicine patients are talking about: Black cohosh. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 9(5), 628-9. Retrieved from https://search-proquest-com.ezproxy2016.trident.edu/scholarly-journals/complementary-alternative-medicine-patients-are/docview/222748777/se-2?accountid=28844

Malaivijitnond, S. (2012). Medical applications of phytoestrogens from the thai herb pueraria mirifica. Frontiers of Medicine, 6(1), 8-21. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2016.trident.edu/10.1007/s11684-012-0184-8

Yang, R., Bo-Chuan Yuan, Yong-Sheng, M., Zhou, S., & Liu, Y. (2017). The anti-inflammatory activity of licorice, a widely used Chinese herb. Pharmaceutical Biology, 55(1) doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2016.trident.edu/10.1080/13880209.2016.1225775

Cassileth, B. (2011). Dong quai (angelica sinensis). Oncology (Williston Park, N.Y.), 25(1), 85-85.

Barton, D. L., Barton, D. L., Soori, G. S., Soori, G. S., Bauer, B. A., Bauer, B. A., Sloan, J. A., Sloan, J. A., Johnson, P. A., Johnson, P. A., Figueras, C., Figueras, C., Duane, S., Duane, S., Mattar, B., Mattar, B., Liu, H., Liu, H., Atherton, P. J., . . . Loprinzi, C. L. (2010). Pilot study of panax quinquefolius (american ginseng) to improve cancer-related fatigue: A randomized, double-blind, dose-finding evaluation: NCCTG trial N03CA. Supportive Care in Cancer, 18(2), 179-187. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00520-009-0642-2

Mao, Q., Ip, S., Xian, Y., Hu, Z., & Che, C. (2012). Anti-depressant-like effect of peony: A mini-review. Pharmaceutical Biology, 50(1), 72-77. https://doi.org/10.3109/13880209.2011.602696

Lian, L. (2018). Study on anti-gout effect of phellodendron amurense and its processed products. Agricultural Biotechnology, 7(4), 203-205. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/openview/aedbdc9b4df2b8b46836d73b5aa77479/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1596359

Niroumand, M., Heydarpour, F., & Farzaei, M. (2018). Pharmacological and therapeutic effects of vitex agnus-castus L.: A review. Pharmacognosy Reviews, 12(23) http://phcogrev.com/sites/default/files/PhcogRev_2018_12_23_103.pdf

Vertigo. (2021). Ucsfhealth.Org. https://www.ucsfhealth.org/conditions/vertigo#:%7E:text=Nearly%2040%20percent%20of%20U.S.,to%20get%20it%20than%20men

Alicia Pearson
Alicia Pearson
Alicia Pearson is a researcher, elevator, and innovator. She is also a patent-pending inventor. Before starting her own business, she worked her way up in the highly competitive health care industry as a clinical research coordinator, regional manager, and department head. Alicia was trained by the largest oncology care provider in the United States and has created initiatives and improved processes for million-dollar companies. Alicia has now started the journey of creating, patenting, and selling a new product and is ecstatic to learn and grow with this powerful, diverse community.

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