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Is It Difficult to Write a Healthcare Research Paper?

Medical students frequently suffer while writing various papers. One thing is to learn anatomy and other interesting things, and the other is compiling your knowledge and ideas into a readable text. Typically, healthcare research papers don’t significantly differ from other research papers that you already might have written. In healthcare, it’s extremely important to be able to synthesize the received information and come up with effective conclusions.

So, is it challenging to write a healthcare research paper? There is no simple answer. You can ask for help or pay for a research paper if you want a quick result. For example, you can use https://essayshark.com/, where expert writers can help you deal with any complex topic in healthcare and not only.

If you decide to make a well-structured research paper on your own, you will have to follow the list of things to do. In the text below, you will find all the necessary information on how to write a healthcare essay quickly.

8 Steps to Write Healthcare Research Paper

1- Prepare Your Workplace

The keys to a perfect workplace are silence, no distractions, and simplicity. It’s vital to ask the surroundings you live with to keep quiet or move to the library or other quiet places if necessary.

Moreover, you can buy noise-canceling headphones; they will come in handy in various situations when you need to concentrate or limit yourself from the surrounding world.

Social media and smartphone notifications may distract you dramatically, so turn them down on all your devices to keep you concentrated.

And clean up your table and leave the things that are necessary for work. That’s all, and now you can move to the other step.

2- Read out the teacher’s requirements attentively

You may be asked to carry out a study on the current state of investigation on a particular topic, run your own field research or interviews, and conduct an experiment or a survey. The type of activity will depend on the research question and your teacher’s requirements.

Furthermore, you need to highlight the keywords and determine the type of research paper you need to do.

The structure of your future paper will significantly depend on whether you use quantitative or synthesis research you need to conduct.

For the first one, you will need to create hypotheses, analyze already existing findings, describe your research methods and limitations and attach the received data at the end of your paper.

For the second one, you need to review existing studies and analyze them in terms of your research question to find knowledge gaps and perspectives for further investigation.

3- Choose the topic

If you don’t have the assigned research topic, you need to consider which issue you would like to explore. Read the current state of the investigation of the subject and find out potential resources you can use for your research. Ensure that the chosen topic is interesting for you and fulfills the knowledge gap.

4- Conduct research on the chosen topic

Use the sources recommended by your teacher or evaluate the source’s credibility yourself. Prefer reputable databases like PubMed, respected medical journals, and websites from medical associations and universities. You can also go to the college library and ask the librarian to offer relevant information.

Explore the existing literature, articles, and other sources on the topic. Take notes and include them in a separate text document.

Write down the detailed source information (web address, author, title, page) and then notes or ideas following the notice.

It will help you reference the information correctly, save time for other writing and help you avoid accidental plagiarism. Moreover, you can write extended notes that you can incorporate directly into the text.

Conduct field research if required. Make sure you have planned time to experiment, create questionnaires, or any other activity for your study. Gather the results in one place for your convenience.

5- Formulate the research question

One key to a good research paper is to develop a well-articulated research question. It should be relevant, clear, focused, and conceptual. Good research questions will help you focus on a particular issue, identify key concepts, search for appropriate literature, and effectively interpret the received information on the topic. Moreover, you can use a unique technique for coming up with healthcare research questions like the SPICE method:

  • setting (where?)
  • perspective (for whom?)
  • intervention (what?)
  • comparison (compared with what?)
  • evaluation (with what result?).

6- Create the paper plan

When you have done the preliminary research, it’s time to make a plan for the forthcoming paper. Typically, the research paper should start with an introduction, several main parts (methods, results, discussion), conclusions, and a reference list.

The paper plan may differ from one case to another and will depend on what kind of research paper you need to write.

Please mention that if you publish your research in a medical journal, you need to write keywords, an abstract, and a title.

7- Write the paper according to the plan

Cover all the main points in each paragraph. Explain the importance of your research and how it contributes to academic society. Offer possible applications of your theory if appropriate and highlight future research directions.

If you have conducted an experiment, study, or testing, you need to list and explain your chosen research methods. Summarize the most important findings and data.

Organize the data you have received during the research into tables and figures. Incorporate into the text or attach at the end of the paper. Make sure that your text covers the required word limit.

Typically, healthcare research papers take more than 4000 words. Moreover, you need to make approximately equal main parts of the paper, and at the same time, there is no need to achieve the exact word-to-word limit. If you plan to write a 4000-word research paper, consider the following limits:

  • introduction 500 words
  • methods section 1000 words
  • results section 1000 words
  • discussion 1000 words
  • conclusions 500 words

8- Check citations and edit the text

If your teacher hasn’t required the opposite, use AMA (American Medical Association) writing style guide to format the paper’s citations appropriately. If you think about whether you need to cite specific phrases, the answer is to cite. Avoid plagiarism with precise citations and quotes.

When you finish the paper, it’s time to read it and correct spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sure that one thought follows into another and your text looks like a whole one.

Write a cover letter to the editor if you plan to publish your work in a medical journal. Make sure that you have considered the journal’s requirements for publishing.

Wrapping Up

As you can see, with a step-by-step plan, you can quickly write a healthcare research paper by yourself. Follow the teacher’s instructions, and check the college’s recommendations and this article to do your best.

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